Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Library Technology Instruction:

What will you learn?

Students will learn to utilize different types of technology that can improve workflow, enhance project presentation, and improve overall student success.


Tana Baldwin, Library Technical Assistant


Enhancing Presentations with Slideshows
Wednesday, September 30, 5:00 PM
G-Mail & Google Apps for Education
Wednesday, October 7, 5:00 PM
YouTube It!
Wednesday, October 14, 5:00 PM
Enhancing Presentations with Slideshows
Wednesday, November 18, 5:00 PM
Not Your Grandmother's PowerPoint
Wednesday, December 2, 5:00 PM
G-Mail & Google Apps for Education
Wednesday, December 9, 5:00 PM


North Central Michigan College Library: Media Lab


Students who need to manage documents, create presentation, or collaborate with others.

Space is limited. To ensure a spot in the instructional session, please reserve a space by emailing Please include the name and date of the session that you wish to attend. Sessions may be added to accommodate additional interested students or patrons.

Watch for addtional Wednesday sessions on APA, MLA, and Library Research Databases facilitated by Eunice Teel, Librarian.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Library Instruction

The semester is well underway and our Librarian, Eunice Teel, has had a good turn out for her library instruction sessions. Eunice explores the electronic resources that are available here at North Central Michigan College, explains the importance of selecting juried information from a library versus that which is available on the Internet, and touches on some of the tools offered by our online databases to track and cite sources of information once you have found them. Instructional sessions are offered here in the library or can be scheduled at your off-campus classroom location. Not only are these sessions packed with information to make you successful, but they always feature Eunice's fun, eclectic humor. If you haven't attended a one of these sessions talk to your teacher today about scheduling one for your class, or watch the events section of our web page for independent sessions. As always, if you have questions about research, contact to schedule an appointment or stop in to the library.